EduGame: Innovative Educational Tools for Management in Heritage Protection –
– gamification in didactic process
– gamification in didactic process
implemented in frames of Erasmus+ Programme
AIM OF PROJECT is development and implementation of innovative didactic module “Management of heritage site” consisting of the syllabus for the course, didactic materials and educational role-play game. The module will be used in educating students in fields of study related to heritage protection at the universities participating in the project. Introduction of gamification in the didactic process will enable students increasing soft skills required at the labour market, in particular creative thinking, ability to work in a group and ability to effectively resolve conflicts.
In contemporary heritage protection – very wide field comprising a large part of the cultural environment – the biggest and the most difficult task is proper management of historic objects. Modern management of historic object, apart from conservation and technical problems, has to include, amongst others, organisational, financial, legal, functional and promotional issues. Heritage protection is most often associated with a number of restrictions, orders and prohibitions, i.a. limiting the possibility of modernisation of the monument, limiting the owner’s right to use the historic object, forcing owner to incur additional costs and limiting possibility of the use of historic site. The sum of these problems in practice leads to conflicts between conservation authority and owners and users of historic objects. Thus, management of historic building is a complex activity carried out in conditions of permanent conflict – management and protection of the monument is thus conflict management. An essential element of education of people who will undertake activities in the field of monument protection is therefore to prepare them for conflict management, which accompanies the work of a monument conservator, designer, and administrator. It is therefore necessary not only to acquire specialist skills and substantive knowledge about heritage protection but also about management and communication.
The present system of education of architects, construction engineers, archaeologists – specialists most often involved in heritage protection, does not prepare for such activities. Practical knowledge of various methods and strategies of conflict management (e.g. cooperation strategy, negotiation strategy, mediation) will prepare students (future specialists) for more effective protection of monuments, and at the same time for functioning in a competitive labour market.